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Professional video lessons on dogs haircuts on DVD. Доска объявлений Зооуслуги

Опубликовано: 08.12.2011
№ 2488-116
Новая Зеландия, Auckland
Зооуслуги / Предлагаю

Professional video lessons on dogs haircuts on DVD

Professional video lessons on dogs haircuts on DVD . Training video lessons on grooming dogs are detailed instructions for self-directed learning and grooming dogs, professional groomer have mastered the basics. Each lesson focuses on the one breed. It provides a detailed video, photos, schemes and commentary. After viewing it, you can correct and easy to keep your pet in a nice and tidy manner, or to apply this knowledge in their future practice groomer.

Контактная информация

  • Опубликовал:
  • irina soprikina, Новая Зеландия, Auckland
  • Телефон:
  • +79161907234

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